Back to School Crossword

  1. 4. You are expected to complete ___ _____ of reading a week.
  2. 9. You are expected to be polite and kind to _____, your learning, your peers, and your teacher.
  3. 11. This is the document where you can find answers to this crossword.
  4. 13. One of my goals for you is to find books you love so that reading becomes _________.
  5. 16. The A in AR. _______ Reader
  6. 18. You can check out one book at a time from my _______ ______.
  7. 21. This is the resource we will use to practice reading skills digitally.
  8. 23. These need to be stored in their cases until used for a class assignment.
  9. 24. The novel we will read as a whole class is ___ ______.
  10. 25. This is what you need to work on as soon as the bell rings.
  11. 26. Everyone is expected to ______ in class discussions and readings.
  12. 27. This is the quickest way to reach your teacher.
  13. 28. Your chromebooks need to be charged ________.
  1. 1. You should always have an _______ _______ ______ with you in every class.
  2. 2. Many times you will watch this on your chromebook to complete notes.
  3. 3. If you have an unplanned absence, you are allowed ___ ____ to make up the work.
  4. 5. This is the abbreviation for our text workbook ____ Into Literature.
  5. 6. This is available after school from 3:15-4 for extra help.
  6. 7. Be prepared, prompt, productive, polite, and positive are my general _________ for success.
  7. 8. You should ____ __ ___ ______ before you leave your desk group.
  8. 10. This is where you should have your cell phones.
  9. 12. This is where you will submit assignments and find daily work.
  10. 14. Each week on Friday, students will turn in a 3 hour ____ ___.
  11. 15. It is important for you to ___ _______ and come to class with a good attitude.
  12. 17. You will receive one of these after each AR test you pass.
  13. 19. These are only offered on summative assessments.
  14. 20. Student chromebooks must be in ____ ____ when taking an AR test.
  15. 22. Students are expected to meet their AR goal _____ hexter.