- 7. ROTC event
- 9. the year we will SOL test this class
- 10. a novel you will enjoy reading
- 11. our principal
- 13. grade you are moving to next year
- 14. creating special bonds
- 18. difficult enough to be challenging but easy enough to not be overwhelming
- 20. our head football coach
- 21. our happy place
- 22. our school mascot
- 23. we'll write this to exams
- 24. the year after the freshman year
- 26. everybody's favorite teacher
- 27. a feeling or understanding that someone or something is important, serious, etc., and should be treated in an appropriate way
- 1. 2020
- 2. our Shakespearean play for the year
- 3. treating everyone the same
- 4. everybody's favorite class
- 5. our school colors
- 6. our secretary
- 8. show that I love this job
- 12. how this course works into real life
- 15. can see grades in real time
- 16. will capture our memories of this wonderful year
- 17. people we already can't remember being
- 19. At the beginning of this school year, we won't be getting _________.
- 25. place this course happens