Back To School Puzzle

  1. 4. Likes to chase mice
  2. 6. Where these to protect your eyes from the sun
  3. 8. A rodent that eats scrape food left in the classroom
  4. 10. ______ upon a star
  5. 11. Building game using blocks
  6. 14. First meal of the day
  7. 16. Capital of Canada
  8. 17. Beach is full of this
  9. 18. Spring, summer, winter, fall
  10. 20. A square box is shipped like a _______
  11. 21. Subject you might learn about states of matter
  12. 22. Subject you where you might have to add
  13. 25. You can play dodgeball there
  14. 26. A frisbee is shaped like a ________
  15. 27. Where you might play during lunch and recess
  1. 1. Person who is in charge of the whole school
  2. 2. You dress up in a costume on _________
  3. 3. Sing a song play and instrument
  4. 4. A winter holiday
  5. 5. The last month of school
  6. 6. School starts in this month
  7. 7. Subject where you paint and draw
  8. 9. Person who helps your learn in class
  9. 12. Canada's second official language
  10. 13. flying insect that bites
  11. 15. You wash your hands with this
  12. 19. The blue bin is used to _____
  13. 23. Name of your school
  14. 24. Where you take out books
  15. 28. Man's best friend