Back to School Review 2021-2022

  1. 2. Tackling, wrestling, hitting or other _____ play is NOT permitted at any time on the playground.
  2. 4. This is what you need to pick up from the MS office if you are not in your advisory classroom when the 8:00am bell rings
  3. 5. Any food items that contain _________ are never permitted to be eaten in the classrooms; there are specific tables designated in the commons for those with this type of allergy.
  4. 8. This uniform item must be no shorter than fingertip length for girls
  5. 9. If you feel unwell or need to treat an injury, you need to have this to visit the nurse
  6. 11. This must be visible at the waist of a boy's uniform when the shirt is tucked in
  7. 13. The place that open food containers & drinks can not leave
  1. 1. These are not permitted to be on or taken out of your locker between 7:15-3:45
  2. 3. What Mrs. Lynch says at the end of each Messenger video
  3. 6. What must be picked up before raising your hand to be dismissed from lunch.
  4. 7. What we show when a large group is being brought to attention.
  5. 10. The color of these must be primarily black or white
  6. 12. Students may not chew this at school