Back to School Time

  1. 3. a break between learning time
  2. 7. you use this to write on
  3. 9. used to transport items to and from school
  4. 12. the person in charge of the whole school
  5. 14. a noise to let you know when to come and go
  6. 15. a place you go to learn
  1. 1. yellow transportation
  2. 2. a relationship you make at school
  3. 4. a subject in school where you learn to type
  4. 5. a place you sit at in school
  5. 6. a person who gives you information
  6. 8. you bring this from home to eat
  7. 10. something you write with
  8. 11. a room where you get books to borrow
  9. 13. an item you open to get information