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  1. 1. numbers
  2. 4. read these, all the time
  3. 6. raise this to ask questions
  4. 8. you
  5. 9. pencils write on this
  6. 10. what happened before now
  7. 11. Mr. White
  8. 13. do all these and you'll have great grades!
  9. 14. do this to yourself and everyone around you
  1. 2. not many
  2. 3. give this and you'll get A's
  3. 4. keep these if you want to stay out of trouble
  4. 5. let's have a lot of this
  5. 6. to make you a better you, physical, mental, social
  6. 7. for both your body and brain
  7. 12. writing tool
  8. 15. nature