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  1. 3. a person who really likes writing tasks and quite talkative
  2. 6. a person who writes your parents about the payment
  3. 8. a person whose hobbies are dancing and reading
  4. 9. a person who has got a sister and is going to pass ОГЭ next year
  1. 1. a person who is sometimes late because she lives in Saint Petersburg
  2. 2. a person who lives in the same building as Crazy English
  3. 4. a person whose favourite song is (I hope was) "девочка Уэнсдей"
  4. 5. a person who has a brother and gives you homework
  5. 6. a person who has got a brother Kirill and who is always in a good mood
  6. 7. a person who has got a sister and like drawing