Back To The Basic

  1. 1. How can a HT unite with Jesus?
  2. 6. What is the 10th Muoi Dieu Tam Niem?
  3. 7. What is the meaning of the Eucharist?
  4. 9. To organize and lead the youth to spread the Good News and to build the ...
  5. 10. What is the last song we sing for LTTT?
  6. 11. Who is Thieu Nhi's idol?
  1. 2. Name one of the three things that are most needed to live a Eucharistic day.
  2. 3. Base on which foundations does PT use to train doan sinh?
  3. 4. What is the mission of a HT? To ... the kids' faith
  4. 5. In the five principles of PT, who is the address in the 3 principles?
  5. 8. Which part of the bible has 27 books?