Back to the Future #2

  1. 1. What is one of the things Layla is holding
  2. 2. What colour is Marilyn Monroe's hair
  3. 3. Who sings Wake me Up before you go go
  4. 4. What colour is Prince's jacket
  5. 7. What colour is streaked through Frankie's hair
  6. 9. Who plays Ruby Tui
  7. 10. What is the move that Room 19 uses Jazz hands for
  8. 12. What do Doc and Marty travel back in time in
  1. 1. What is Doc searching for
  2. 2. What do the Room 19 boys wear to hold their pants up
  3. 5. What colour are the skirts that Room 19 girls wear
  4. 6. Who plays Elton John
  5. 8. What is Room 16 dressed as
  6. 11. What is Forrest Gump sitting on