Back to the Future Vocab

  1. 2. Rocks formed by the cooling and solidifying of molten materials.
  2. 4. Continuous process by which rocks are created and changed from one form to another.
  3. 5. Rocks that have been formed by sediments, especially sediment carried by water, ice and wind.
  4. 8. The remains, traces or imprints of once living things.
  5. 11. A fossil formed when a plant or animal dies then minerals enter the cavity and then become solid
  6. 13. A calendar of earth’s geologic history defined by major changes that happen on earth.
  7. 18. A type of fossil made up of a thin layer of carbon
  8. 19. The slow change of living things through time
  9. 20. The true age of a rock or fossil and helps scientists know the number of years ago a rock layer formed.
  10. 21. Fossils used to define and identify a particular period of time that lived in many places for a short period of time.
  1. 1. A group of similar living things that can reproduce
  2. 3. The theory that all changes on earth that are happening today are the same as have happened in the past.
  3. 6. A period of time in geologic time that is relatively short, dividing the different Periods
  4. 7. A type of fossil were the remains of a dead organism is left preserved
  5. 9. Rocks that have been formed from extreme heat and pressure.
  6. 10. Coal, oil or natural gas that is produced by the very gradual decaying of animals or plants over millions of years.
  7. 12. the comparison of one rock or fossil to another to determine which one is older or younger
  8. 14. A period of time in geologic time that is relatively long, dividing the different Eons
  9. 15. The process by which only plants and animals that can survive in their environment will continue to live
  10. 16. The indent made when an animal, plant, or other organism dies and is covered by sediment where a cavity is made.
  11. 17. The order in which sedimentary rock layers are made, older layers are lower and younger layers are on top.