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  1. 2. ensures the connection between two users
  2. 3. it is used by friction
  3. 4. person who takes care of people's health
  4. 7. analog sound storage medium in the form of a flat disc with an inscribed, modulated spiral groove
  5. 10. photo in its original capture format
  6. 11. acoustic device that amplifies sound, used for auscultation
  7. 12. device for projecting images onto a screen
  8. 13. communication device for transmitting human voice and communicating remotely
  1. 1. disc, platter and large horn phonograph
  2. 3. method used in communication to encode text characters as standardized sequences of two different signal durations, called dots and dashes
  3. 5. used for heating, cooking
  4. 6. positive photograph printed on a transparent support, generally intended to be projected on a screen
  5. 8. device or system that allows the transmission of information by coded signal over distance
  6. 9. optical instrument that capture images in 2D