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  1. 6. Born in Japan but not fluent
  2. 8. Not born in Japan but fluent
  3. 9. Great Dad born in 1900
  4. 12. Famous elevator at Petschek Palace
  5. 15. Avery's office team sport
  6. 16. Born 100 years after Grandma's Dad
  7. 18. Ex-longhaired Guitarist
  8. 20. Cordova cousin
  9. 21. Middle child
  10. 22. Where the Petschek P is etched
  11. 23. Color of coal that Otto Petschek made fortune on
  12. 26. Grandpa's mother Greta
  13. 27. Travelled farthest
  14. 28. Great sister who loved poodles
  1. 1. Apple brandy sold by Grandma's Dad
  2. 2. Tyler's recent backyard party
  3. 3. Plays Softball and Golf
  4. 4. Petschek family owned at least this many homes
  5. 5. Grandma's mother's instrument
  6. 7. Wisconsin to Wall Street
  7. 10. Island Buxtons arrived 8 days after Grandma's birthday in 1940
  8. 11. Freshman
  9. 12. Where Hana became Janette
  10. 13. Carlie's new job
  11. 14. Friendliest female unicyclist
  12. 17. Roots for the Irish
  13. 19. Best 89 year old traveler from AK
  14. 22. Initial home to over 3000 LP records
  15. 24. Tallest
  16. 25. Sweet-and sweat-loving