Backpack, Tent, Sleeping Bag, Campfire, Guitar, River, Canoe, Mosquito, Fishing, Rainbow, Raccoon, Tiger, Flashlight, Moon, Bear, Trail, Pinecone, Biking, Hiking Boots, Mushroom.
- 2. Bag – Where you sleep when camping, snug inside.
- 3. – A type of fungus, sometimes found in forests.
- 5. – A nocturnal animal often found rummaging through campsites.
- 6. – A portable hand-held electric light, important for nighttime.
- 9. – A body of water that flows, often found near campsites.
- 11. – A popular outdoor activity involving catching fish.
- 13. – A small flying insect that often bites when you're outdoors.
- 14. – A fire built at a campsite, often for cooking and warmth.
- 16. – A musical instrument you might play while sitting around a fire.
- 17. – A temporary shelter used when camping.
- 18. – A large animal often associated with camping caution.
- 1. – A large wild cat, though not typically found while camping.
- 3. – The natural satellite of the Earth, visible at night while camping.
- 4. – Something you wear on your back to carry your essentials on a camping trip.
- 7. Boots – Footwear designed for walking long distances on rough terrain.
- 8. – A path for hiking or biking in a forest or mountain.
- 10. – A seed-producing structure from pine trees, often found in campsites.
- 12. – An activity that involves riding a bicycle.
- 14. – A lightweight narrow boat, pointed at both ends and open on top.
- 15. – A beautiful spectrum of colors in the sky after rain.