Bacteria and Viruses

  1. 2. don't eat raw meat
  2. 4. be careful who you touch
  3. 6. nausea
  4. 8. middle ear infection
  5. 9. analgesic
  6. 10. helps and kills you
  7. 11. urine infection
  8. 12. they can only kill bacteria
  9. 14. bloodstream infection
  10. 16. sexual intercourse
  11. 17. non-pathogenic
  12. 19. diarrhea
  1. 1. respiratory tract infection
  2. 2. chicken pox
  3. 3. nonmotile organism
  4. 5. be careful of what you eat
  5. 7. second largest virus
  6. 13. mother nature strikes back
  7. 15. kennel cough
  8. 18. metabolites