- 2. Demonstration of persistence of high titers of Vi antibodies indicates carrier state of this condition
- 4. This vibrio is halophilic and is associated with food poisoning due to consumption of improperly cooked seafoods
- 7. Salmonella typhi produces jet black colonies when grown on this culture medium
- 10. This strain of E. coli produces bloody diarrhea/ dysentery
- 11. This intestinal complication may be seen in Enterohemorrhagic E coli infection
- 13. Vibrios possess polar flagellum and exhibit this type of motility
- 14. This is the selective medium for cultivation of Cholera bacilli
- 15. These are gram-negative curved rods that grow better in alkaline environment
- 16. Heat labile toxin of ETEC stimulates this to produce hypersecretion of fluid and electrolytes by enterocytes
- 1. This classification is used for classifying salmonella
- 3. This strain of Escherichia coli produces watery diarrhea due to "attachment and effacement" phenomenon
- 5. Vibrio parahemolytic can be called as.... since it can grow in high salt concentration
- 6. This bacterial condition is characterised by dysentery caused by non-lactose fermenting gram-negative non-motile rod belonging to enterobacteriaceae family
- 8. Patients with this condition are more prone for cholera even with consumption of small number of bacilli
- 9. Sorbitol macconkey test would help to distinguish this strain of E coli from other species
- 12. Step ladder pattern fever, rose spots, persistence in gall bladder are features of this disease