bacterial transformation

  1. 3. Part of bacterial transformation whenphosphodiester bonds seal.
  2. 6. Cuts DNA at specific areas based on theconfiguration of base pairs. (two words)
  3. 8. Part of DNA that a restriction enzyme canidentify. (two words)
  4. 9. A bacteria commonly used in bacterialtransformations.
  5. 10. A protein that is now produced throughbacterial transformation for those with diabetes.
  6. 12. Antibiotic that the pGLO plasmid is resistant to.
  7. 13. Cells that are able to take in foreign DNA.
  8. 14. When DNA that has been cut hasoverhang.
  9. 15. A circular/ring of DNA.
  1. 1. Where the GFP gene originates.
  2. 2. DNA that has DNA from multiple sourcesthat has been combined.
  3. 4. GFP. (three words)
  4. 5. What plasmids have that allow them toreplicate independently. (three words)
  5. 7. Type of plates used in pGLO experiment.
  6. 11. When DNA that has been cut has nooverhang.