
  1. 5. Example of disease cause the picornaviruses.
  2. 7. Particles that are able to replicate.
  3. 8. The sudden increase in the number of cyanobacteria.
  4. 9. Bacteria that form branching filaments.
  5. 12. Bacteria do not retain the purple stain.
  6. 13. Virus that participates in the lysogenic cycle.
  7. 14. Condition that results from the uncontrolled reproduction of cells.
  8. 15. A protein carbohydrate compound found in the cell walls of eubacteria.
  9. 16. Is used against herpes simplex.
  10. 18. Is a viral shape.
  11. 19. Virus has a icosahedral shape.
  1. 1. Thermoacidophiles are
  2. 2. Phylum that has a gram negative reaction and move by rotation.
  3. 3. They live only and anaerobic conditions.
  4. 4. Example of diseases cause the papovaviruses.
  5. 6. Inhibits the reverse transcriptase of retroviruses.
  6. 10. When cocci occur in chains.
  7. 11. Members of the kingdom Eubacteria.
  8. 14. Process by which two living bacteria bind together.
  9. 17. Protein coat surrounding the nucleic acid.