- 3. B.'s signature style choice #1
- 5. *What do scholars eat when they're hungry?
- 8. The book A. and B. were coincidentally reading at the same time
- 9. A.'s alter ego who occasionally sends B. late night texts
- 13. Despite being a "good girl", A. still likes it when B. ___ to her
- 17. Indianapolis dinner location: McCormick and ___
- 20. A. and B. both found the ___ to be depressing place
- 24. Where A. and B. first met
- 25. B. has yet to play ___ for A. (even though he said he would)
- 26. A. and B. used to love sitting on the ___ of her house
- 31. Children's book both A. and B. adored
- 32. B.'s musical porch partner
- 35. B. used the free ___ as an excuse to visit A. at work
- 36. Despite being a "good girl", A. also likes it when B. ___ her
- 39. ___ will confuse B. until the end of days
- 41. B.'s polite word choice for his favorite part of A.'s body
- 43. B. seems to like A. in this position
- 44. A. and B.'s shared birthday month
- 46. B.'s favorite BBC order
- 49. B. read ___ to A. the first night they hung out
- 50. Dogs are the ___
- 52. B. has only watched one season of this dynamic Netflix show
- 53. Sporting event in B.'s hometown that A. is clearly clueless about
- 55. A.'s least favorite Shakespeare play
- 56. *What kind of music did the pilgrims listen to?
- 1. B.'s least favorite of A.'s drink choices
- 2. B. used to write poems for A. on ___
- 4. B. seems to think A.'s ___ are a sexy look
- 6. A. and B.'s adorably nerdy shared hobby
- 7. B.'s signature style choice #2
- 9. It had been almost ___ since they had spoken before B. reached out
- 10. A. is now self-conscious about using her ___ while they talk
- 11. B. serenaded A. with ___ during her bagel days
- 12. B. has twice "stolen" one of these from A.
- 14. *Air used to be free at gas stations. Now it's $1.50. Why?
- 15. Number on B.'s motorcycle license plate
- 16. Item not used during recent hotel stays
- 18. B. seems to like it when A. wears this color
- 19. A. finds B.'s ___ to be incredibly sexy
- 21. Where A. and B. can stalk each other's book choices
- 22. B.'s old term of endearment for A.
- 23. A. feels like she can be ___ with B.
- 27. *How can you tell if a snowman is a boy or a girl?
- 28. rose A.'s preferred wine choice (for the moment)
- 29. A. and B. both seem to enjoy "getting frisky" in the ___
- 30. A. likes to sleep in B.'s ___ when she gets the chance
- 33. *Don't trust those trees. They look ___.
- 34. A.'s first car
- 37. *What do you call a lazy kangaroo?
- 38. A. has a tendency to ___, both in emails and on the phone
- 39. Most romantic city in America
- 40. B.'s bedtime
- 42. A.'s toes still ___ when she thinks about B.
- 45. A. was at the ___ when she first called B.
- 47. How the starred clues might be categorized
- 48. *What do you call a sad cup of coffee?
- 51. Because of B.'s influence, A. has started using the ___
- 54. Flying mammal B. removed from A.'s house