Bagels and Books

  1. 3. B.'s signature style choice #1
  2. 5. *What do scholars eat when they're hungry?
  3. 8. The book A. and B. were coincidentally reading at the same time
  4. 9. A.'s alter ego who occasionally sends B. late night texts
  5. 13. Despite being a "good girl", A. still likes it when B. ___ to her
  6. 17. Indianapolis dinner location: McCormick and ___
  7. 20. A. and B. both found the ___ to be depressing place
  8. 24. Where A. and B. first met
  9. 25. B. has yet to play ___ for A. (even though he said he would)
  10. 26. A. and B. used to love sitting on the ___ of her house
  11. 31. Children's book both A. and B. adored
  12. 32. B.'s musical porch partner
  13. 35. B. used the free ___ as an excuse to visit A. at work
  14. 36. Despite being a "good girl", A. also likes it when B. ___ her
  15. 39. ___ will confuse B. until the end of days
  16. 41. B.'s polite word choice for his favorite part of A.'s body
  17. 43. B. seems to like A. in this position
  18. 44. A. and B.'s shared birthday month
  19. 46. B.'s favorite BBC order
  20. 49. B. read ___ to A. the first night they hung out
  21. 50. Dogs are the ___
  22. 52. B. has only watched one season of this dynamic Netflix show
  23. 53. Sporting event in B.'s hometown that A. is clearly clueless about
  24. 55. A.'s least favorite Shakespeare play
  25. 56. *What kind of music did the pilgrims listen to?
  1. 1. B.'s least favorite of A.'s drink choices
  2. 2. B. used to write poems for A. on ___
  3. 4. B. seems to think A.'s ___ are a sexy look
  4. 6. A. and B.'s adorably nerdy shared hobby
  5. 7. B.'s signature style choice #2
  6. 9. It had been almost ___ since they had spoken before B. reached out
  7. 10. A. is now self-conscious about using her ___ while they talk
  8. 11. B. serenaded A. with ___ during her bagel days
  9. 12. B. has twice "stolen" one of these from A.
  10. 14. *Air used to be free at gas stations. Now it's $1.50. Why?
  11. 15. Number on B.'s motorcycle license plate
  12. 16. Item not used during recent hotel stays
  13. 18. B. seems to like it when A. wears this color
  14. 19. A. finds B.'s ___ to be incredibly sexy
  15. 21. Where A. and B. can stalk each other's book choices
  16. 22. B.'s old term of endearment for A.
  17. 23. A. feels like she can be ___ with B.
  18. 27. *How can you tell if a snowman is a boy or a girl?
  19. 28. rose A.'s preferred wine choice (for the moment)
  20. 29. A. and B. both seem to enjoy "getting frisky" in the ___
  21. 30. A. likes to sleep in B.'s ___ when she gets the chance
  22. 33. *Don't trust those trees. They look ___.
  23. 34. A.'s first car
  24. 37. *What do you call a lazy kangaroo?
  25. 38. A. has a tendency to ___, both in emails and on the phone
  26. 39. Most romantic city in America
  27. 40. B.'s bedtime
  28. 42. A.'s toes still ___ when she thinks about B.
  29. 45. A. was at the ___ when she first called B.
  30. 47. How the starred clues might be categorized
  31. 48. *What do you call a sad cup of coffee?
  32. 51. Because of B.'s influence, A. has started using the ___
  33. 54. Flying mammal B. removed from A.'s house