Bago Brunch with NYLB crossword puzzle

  1. 3. Trinidad and ___________
  2. 5. Examples: bananas, grapes, apples, mangoes
  3. 6. Examples: meat, fish, egg, dairy
  4. 8. A brain attack.
  5. 9. The way in which a person lives.
  6. 14. Diseases that are the leading cause of death worldwide.
  7. 15. Examples: lettuce, spinach, cabbage, broccoli
  8. 16. In good physical and mental condition.
  1. 1. Derived from nature.
  2. 2. When your blood sugar is too high.
  3. 4. Abnormal condition that negatively affects an organism.
  4. 7. Leafy vegetables
  5. 10. What animals and humans eat.
  6. 11. A meal served between the hours of 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM.
  7. 12. The foods consumed by an organism.
  8. 13. When abnormal cells divide without control.