Bakerei Cross Word

  1. 1. fresh
  2. 3. Bread
  3. 5. very thankyou
  4. 7. Male Baker
  5. 8. piece of
  6. 10. piece of bread
  7. 11. thin bag
  8. 14. very thin bag
  9. 15. next to
  10. 17. sturdy bag
  11. 20. any other
  12. 21. Baker's Wife
  13. 22. Which one will it be
  1. 2. would like
  2. 3. Bakery
  3. 4. small bread
  4. 6. Female Baker
  5. 9. is that all
  6. 12. your so welcome
  7. 13. smell
  8. 16. pretzel
  9. 18. would like to
  10. 19. Baked