Balanced Diets

  1. 3. the other name for papaya
  2. 7. when you eat all of the food groups in good proportion
  3. 8. eat more oranges and peppers to combat this deficiency
  4. 9. somebody who weighs less than they should
  5. 11. meat and beans are in this food group
  6. 12. a source of protein often mixed into vegetables
  1. 1. you should have less of this than all the other food groups
  2. 2. also known as 'sugar disease'
  3. 4. a disease created by protein deficiency
  4. 5. condition in which somebody weighs more than they should
  5. 6. the most basic ingredient in a sandwich
  6. 10. stay physically active so that your body burns calories
  7. 11. a carbohydrate that comes in different shapes
  8. 13. where children should play to help them create Vitamin D