Ballads and The Canterbury Tales

  1. 4. One of the languages that Chaucer knew is …
  2. 6. Ballads and poems are written in …
  3. 8. The crime committed by Geordie
  4. 12. Geordie’s wife is described as a fair pretty …
  5. 16. Chaucer worked as Controller of the …
  6. 17. It is a type of repetition typical of ballads
  7. 18. Geordie’s wife tries to persuade the …. to spare his life.
  8. 20. Goerdie stole …. from the King
  9. 21. A group of lines forms a …
  10. 23. The Canterbury Tales is a …. poem
  11. 26. Geordie will be hanged with a golden …
  12. 27. The …. himself is the narrator of Geordie’s story.
  13. 29. Chaucer was also a Member of …
  14. 31. Lord Randall leaves … and …. to his lover.
  15. 32. The pilgrims want to visit the shrine of …
  16. 34. In the Middle Ages, looking over the left shoulder was an … of bad luck.
  17. 37. The lines in Ballads are divided in …
  18. 38. The type of rhyme which we find in the Canterbury Tales
  19. 40. The pilgrims decide to start a story … to make the journey lighter.
  20. 42. When describing the pilgrims, Chaucer used … (made fun of them).
  21. 44. Dante and …. inspired the Canterbury Tales.
  22. 46. The name of the inn where the pilgrims meet
  23. 47. Lord Randall’s mother will inherit his …
  24. 48. Lord Randall feels sick and wants to go to …
  1. 1. The repetition of the same consonant sound at the beginning of different words in the same line
  2. 2. Ballads were composed by …. authors and written down much later.
  3. 3. Chaucer criticised the corruption of the … by making fun of them.
  4. 5. The pilgrims’ descriptions are very detailed and this makes them … (adjective).
  5. 7. The pilgrimage constitutes the … narrative that contains all the stories.
  6. 9. The type of dogs that Lord Randall owns
  7. 10. Lord Randall met his lover in the …
  8. 11. Lord Randall speaks with his …
  9. 13. Geordie’s story takes place in …
  10. 14. Pilgrimages weren’t only considered as spiritual journeys but they were also … occasions
  11. 15. Chaucer was the first poet to be buried in …
  12. 19. The lines of The Canterbury Tales are written in iambic … , so they have 10 syllables each.
  13. 21. The person who tells the best story will win a free …
  14. 22. The pilgrims don’t have a first name but the are named according to their …
  15. 24. The month when the pilgrimage starts
  16. 25. It was typical in ballads to mix … between the characters with narration.
  17. 28. Lord Randall’s brother will inherit his … (lands and mansions)
  18. 30. Chaucer’s native language was the London … which he also used to write the Canterbury Tales.
  19. 33. All the pilgrims are members of the …
  20. 35. Ballads were designed to be accompanied by …
  21. 36. Lord Randall went … with his dogs
  22. 39. The first pilgrim that Chaucer describes is a …
  23. 41. Lord Randall’s lover … him
  24. 43. People like Robin Hood were considered …. and were typical characters in ballads
  25. 45. An imperfect rhyme