
  1. 6. A gentle, westerly wind (6 letters).
  2. 7. A rare, long medical term (27 letters).
  3. 8. Having keen insight or understanding (13 letters).
  4. 11. A black and yellow insect known for its buzz (10 letters).
  5. 14. Idealistic to a foolish or impractical degree (8 letters).
  6. 15. A large, water-loving mammal (12 letters).
  7. 16. A complex maze with twisting passages (9 letters).
  8. 17. A rare, lengthy word meaning "the act of estimating something as worthless" (29 letters).
  9. 18. Nonsense or foolish talk (10 letters).
  10. 19. Known or understood by a select few (8 letters).
  11. 20. A puzzling problem or question (9 letters).
  1. 1. Rule by the wealthy elite (10 letters).
  2. 2. A historical religious and political term (26 letters).
  3. 3. A statement that contradicts itself, like a puzzle (7 letters).
  4. 4. A colorful, rotating tube of patterns (12 letters).
  5. 5. A ridiculously long and made-up word from a famous song (34 letters).
  6. 9. The act of making something unclear or confusing (12 letters).
  7. 10. Using long words when short ones will do (15 letters).
  8. 12. A harsh, discordant mixture of sounds (9 letters).
  9. 13. Luck or fortunate discoveries by chance (10 letters).