- 3. - The clef for low instruments
- 5. - marking that connects notes of the same pitch to make one longer note
- 8. - goes onto a woodwind mouthpiece to produce sound
- 10. - symbol that raises the pitch
- 11. - gradually get louder
- 14. - Hold the note and cut off when the director tells you
- 17. - sharps or flats placed after a clef
- 18. - goes into a brass instrument to produce sound
- 19. - only one person plays
- 21. - the instrument that slides
- 1. - symbol that lowers a pitch
- 2. - the composer behind Star Wars, Jaws, Harry Potter
- 4. - symbol that says to take in air
- 6. - marking to make the note short
- 7. - word to play it soft
- 8. - play the music again
- 9. - a scale of 12 ascending and descending notes including all sharps and flats
- 12. - volume for playing your music
- 13. - symbol that alters the pitch of a note until the end of a measure
- 15. - the tall double reed instrument
- 16. - word for dynamic symbol m which means medium
- 20. - 4 lines and spaces for writing and reading music
- 22. - the space between two barlines