Banned Books Week

  1. 1. Author of Fahrenheit 451, a banned novel about a futuristic society in which books are banned, Ray ________________
  2. 3. Popular challenged series by Stephanie Meyer about vampires
  3. 5. The first word in Kurt Vonnegut's classic novel about WW2, ______________- Five
  4. 9. Classic Dr. Seuss book challenged for "portraying the foresting industry in a negative light" (2 words)
  5. 13. ___________Morrison, the author of Beloved and The Bluest Eye, books often challenged in high school
  6. 15. Last word in Judy Blume's classic Are You There, God? It's Me, ________________
  7. 16. Steinbeck's oft-challenged classic, Of Mice and __________
  8. 17. Last name of the wizard whose adventures made for the most challenged books of 2000-2009
  1. 2. Banned John Green novel, Looking for _______________
  2. 4. Challenged 2017 YA novel by Angie Thomas, The ____________ U Give
  3. 5. The name of the narrator and protagonist in To Kill a Mockingbird
  4. 6. The last word in the title of J.D. Salinger's classic depiction of teenage angst
  5. 7. Popular book series challenged for its "anti-family content," Captain ______________
  6. 8. E.B.White's beloved story about a pig named Wilbur, Charlotte's _____________
  7. 10. Young girl whose diary recounting her experiences during the Holocaust has been challenged (2 words)
  8. 11. Most book challenges take place in public and school ______________________
  9. 12. Maya ___________, poet and author of one of the most frequently banned books in high school, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
  10. 14. A book banned for being both "too religious and not religious enough," A Wrinkle in ______________