Banned/Challenged Books

  1. 5. By Raina Telgemeier
  2. 6. Bridge to "....."
  3. 7. Where to find banned/challenged books
  4. 9. The amount of r3asons why
  5. 10. And "....." makes Three
  6. 11. A "....." in Time
  7. 13. The "....." Games
  8. 16. How many Shades of Grey
  9. 18. Author of the Kite Runner
  10. 19. To Kill a "....."
  11. 20. Author of Harry Potter Series
  12. 21. Author of Boy Erased
  1. 1. Author of Brave New World
  2. 2. Author of the Bluest Eye
  3. 3. Author of the Diviners
  4. 4. ttyl
  5. 8. By Stephen Chbosky
  6. 12. Author of the Handmaid's Tale
  7. 14. By Alex Gino
  8. 15. Captain who appears in Graphic Novel Adventures
  9. 17. The month Freedom to Read is Celebrated