- 5. By Raina Telgemeier
- 6. Bridge to "....."
- 7. Where to find banned/challenged books
- 9. The amount of r3asons why
- 10. And "....." makes Three
- 11. A "....." in Time
- 13. The "....." Games
- 16. How many Shades of Grey
- 18. Author of the Kite Runner
- 19. To Kill a "....."
- 20. Author of Harry Potter Series
- 21. Author of Boy Erased
- 1. Author of Brave New World
- 2. Author of the Bluest Eye
- 3. Author of the Diviners
- 4. ttyl
- 8. By Stephen Chbosky
- 12. Author of the Handmaid's Tale
- 14. By Alex Gino
- 15. Captain who appears in Graphic Novel Adventures
- 17. The month Freedom to Read is Celebrated