Barbenheimer Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. The field that Oppenheimer excelled in and made groundbreaking contributions to.
  2. 7. The period of geopolitical tension that followed World War II, during which nuclear arms played a critical role.
  3. 8. Barbie transforms into a .... in some movies, bringing magic to the stories.
  4. 9. The first successful test of an atomic bomb, conducted by Oppenheimer's team.
  5. 10. A central theme in most Barbie movies, teaching valuable lessons.
  6. 13. The top-secret research and development project that led to the creation of the atomic bomb.
  7. 14. iconic fashion doll
  8. 17. Barbie's movies are known for their glitter, glamour and .....
  9. 18. Barbie's love interest and companion.
  10. 20. The biographical movie about the life of physicist J. Robert ......
  1. 1. Barbie's stylish and modern home where many of her adventures take place.
  2. 3. The location in New Mexico where the Manhattan Project was based.
  3. 4. Oppenheimer's lasting impact on science and history.
  4. 5. J. Robert Oppenheimer's profession
  5. 6. One of Barbie's passions, she's known for her impeccable style.
  6. 11. Oppenheimer was a brilliant .... in the field of physics.
  7. 12. Royal female daughter
  8. 13. Barbie's underwater adventures as a magical .....
  9. 15. Barbie often embarks on exciting journeys an experiences in her movies.
  10. 16. A precious gem that often appears in Barbie stories.
  11. 19. Barbie's adorable pet dogs are frequently featured in her movies.