Barbie movie crossword puzzle

  1. 4. A barbie movie in which there were two main fairies with barbie and racheal
  2. 5. A barbie movie in which there were gem stone dolphins
  3. 8. A barbie movie in which there was a princess named tori who wanted to be a popstar
  1. 1. A barbie movie in which there was a princess named Annalise and an ordinary girl named Erika
  2. 2. A barbie movie in which there were some fairies and a fairy without wings
  3. 3. A barbie movie in which there were 12 princesses
  4. 6. A barbie movie in which there was a princess named rowsela who lived in an island and a princess named luciana with her wicked mother
  5. 7. A barbie movie in which there were many butterfly fairies