
  1. 1. where the two teams equipment stays until they are ready to use it
  2. 5. when a batter hits and runs all the way to home plate
  3. 6. The thing you use to hit the ball
  4. 9. when you are the team that is batting
  5. 11. when the defense gets 3 outs
  6. 12. the thing you use to catch the ball
  1. 2. when the ball is thrown to the base before the runner gets there or is caught in mid air
  2. 3. when a batter hits and gets to third base
  3. 4. when the defense gets 2 outs
  4. 7. when a batter hits and gets to second base
  5. 8. when your team is in the field
  6. 10. when a batter hits and only gets to first base