
  1. 3. GOAT when it comes to home runs
  2. 4. "There's no _____ in baseball!"
  3. 5. Classic stadium snack with a prize
  4. 7. A Ballad of the Republic Sung in the Year 1888
  5. 11. Bad chicken or when the ball doesn't go your way
  6. 12. Quick pause
  7. 14. White Castle order
  1. 1. This team dropped "devil" from their name
  2. 2. # of pitches thrown in a perfectly pitched inning
  3. 6. Pitchers try to keep this low
  4. 8. One of several Kevin Costner baseball classics
  5. 9. Schwarzenegger flick or James' favorite baseball team
  6. 10. Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier starting on this team
  7. 13. Popular Nintendo game or James' favorite baseball player