
  1. 4. pitcher gets you out with his/her pitches
  2. 5. covers home plate
  3. 6. hit the ball and you make it to 1st base
  4. 9. usually the fastest person in the outfield
  5. 12. hit the ball and make it to 2nd base
  6. 13. chicagos team located on the southside
  7. 14. tries to strike the batter out
  8. 15. One of the oldest sports played in America
  1. 1. plays in between 2nd base and 3rd base
  2. 2. extra position used in softball
  3. 3. hit the ball and make it across all 4 bases
  4. 5. chicagos team located on the northside
  5. 7. first black player in the MLB
  6. 8. pitcher does not pitch theball in strike zone
  7. 10. hit the ball and make it to 3rd base
  8. 11. when you hit the ball out of play