
  1. 1. The white squares the runner has to step on.
  2. 4. Fancy name for a manager.
  3. 7. The game is played is this.
  4. 8. When the bat is placed in front of the pitch so that it doesn't go far.
  5. 11. 5'6" second baseman for the Astros.
  6. 12. When a fielder makes a mistake.
  7. 14. A pitch goes over the plate but is not hit.
  8. 16. box What the batter steps in to hit.
  9. 18. Informal name for an umpire.
  1. 2. The person who narrates the game.
  2. 3. A pitch that goes arm side to glove side.
  3. 5. The hurler of the ball towards home plate.
  4. 6. The bench is located in this.
  5. 9. Hammerin' Hank ___.
  6. 10. This team has 27 World Series wins.
  7. 13. When a pitch is hit but not in fair play.
  8. 15. If you are next up, you are on-___.
  9. 17. Babe Ruth's number.