  1. 3. New York's baseball team
  2. 4. It is used to protect the catcher's head.
  3. 7. What Americans usually eat at a baseball game.
  4. 8. What all baseball players wear on their heads.
  5. 9. Another name for a "match"
  6. 10. a baseball glove
  7. 15. He is the one who throws the ball during the "ceremonial first pitch".
  8. 18. The object used to hit the ball.
  9. 19. A referee
  10. 21. Number of players on a baseball team.
  11. 23. The song baseball lovers sing.
  12. 24. It scans the crowd, selects a couple and shows their image on a big screen at a sporting event.
  1. 1. A baseball top
  2. 2. It protects the top of the body.
  3. 4. A synonym for "pitcher"
  4. 5. It is a hit that allows the batter to complete a circuit of the bases.
  5. 6. Mr Robinson
  6. 8. The person who catches the ball.
  7. 11. Baseball is called the national "..." in the USA
  8. 12. It is the area of a baseball field which is enclosed by three bases and a home plate.
  9. 13. Jackie Robinson's number
  10. 14. An annual baseball championship
  11. 16. The points you score at baseball are...
  12. 17. Shoes worn by baseball players
  13. 18. Where the spectators sit during a game.
  14. 20. There are nine... in a baseball game.
  15. 22. George Herman Ruth Jr's real name