Baseball Crossword

  1. 4. Boys baseball league
  2. 6. Protects Catching hand
  3. 8. Bronx League
  4. 10. Team uniform
  5. 11. Calls Strike
  6. 12. team manager
  7. 15. used in the game
  8. 17. Fenway park player
  9. 18. Baseball position
  1. 1. protects eyes from the sun
  2. 2. Catches strikes
  3. 3. Home of the green monster
  4. 5. Batters dream
  5. 7. set of rules
  6. 9. Camden yards player
  7. 13. buy me some peanuts and...
  8. 14. Wood or metal
  9. 16. Jeter position