Basic Astronomy

  1. 2. ball of ice
  2. 3. darkest part of a shadow
  3. 5. the planet we live on
  4. 9. a place in a galaxy filled with planets
  5. 11. planets farthest to the sun
  6. 12. the moon between the sun and earth
  7. 16. lightest part of a shadow
  8. 18. not full eclipse
  9. 20. ball of rock
  10. 21. what we see in the sky
  1. 1. full eclipse
  2. 4. smaller than a meteor
  3. 6. our type of galaxy
  4. 7. our galaxy
  5. 8. the object that orbits the earth
  6. 10. who receives the shadow in a lunar eclipse
  7. 13. the earth between the sun and moon
  8. 14. who receives the shadow during a solar eclipse
  9. 15. planets closest to the sun
  10. 17. what killed the dinosaurs
  11. 19. can be total or partial