Basic Computer Operations

  1. 6. Which devices facilitate computer output?
  2. 8. What is a specialized computer program designed with a user interface?
  3. 9. This internal memory stores the program required to initially boot up the computer
  4. 11. What is the last function in the computer function cycle?
  5. 15. What devices facilitate computer input?
  6. 16. One purpose of a computer network is to share these.
  7. 19. The "L" in a LAN
  8. 20. Which data transmission can happen simultaneously and in any direction?
  1. 1. Which network covers an area larger than a single building, but smaller than a 30 mile radius?
  2. 2. RAM is...
  3. 3. What is the data a computer accepts called?
  4. 4. The "R" in RAM
  5. 5. a group of interconnected and inter-related computers
  6. 6. What is the collection of software that manages computer hardware and resources and provides common services for computer programs?
  7. 7. What are the parts of a computer and its software that allow the user to interact with the machine and its program?
  8. 10. Which term means changing computer data into meaningful information?
  9. 12. Which basic computer operations term means the same thing as arrangement or layout?
  10. 13. Which type of network is the Internet?
  11. 14. The instructions a computer can understand and process
  12. 17. Which data transmission between two devices only ever goes one way?
  13. 18. Which network topology arranges computers around a switch or hub?