Basic concepts of shapes

  1. 1. occurs when color creates the appearance of closeness and distance
  2. 4. shapes made by humans, such as a chair
  3. 7. forms that are found in nature, such as an animal
  4. 11. an image of everyday objects or scenes in a style that resembles a photo
  5. 12. forms that follow a mathematical order
  6. 13. forms that have broken borders that allows color and texture to mix with other colors on the surface
  7. 15. shapes that appear to have a 3D appearance
  8. 16. forms that have an irregular outline and inner surface
  9. 18. simplifies shapes to communicate a visual message
  10. 19. an art style where there is little similarity between the shapes and real physical shapes
  1. 2. occurs when place different sized shapes on a 2D plane to create depth
  2. 3. a form that has two dimensions
  3. 5. created by placing shapes on top of other shapes on a 2D plane to create a 3D effect
  4. 6. shapes that have defined borders and can be silhouettes and are drawn with unbroken outlines
  5. 8. consists of reducing visual elements to present only essential images and maintains proportions
  6. 9. dimension of a shape in comparison to others around it
  7. 10. a style or flattening of shapes
  8. 14. the organization of parts of a shape that determines its appearance
  9. 17. a style of art that represents objects or scenes that resembles real shapes but not a realistic picture
  10. 20. warm ________ give a "closer" appearance whereas cool _________ are more remote