Basic Econ

  1. 1. The law of ___ related to the amount of good produced.
  2. 4. ______ forces consumers to make choices and causes prices to increase.
  3. 9. The factors of production used to produce goods and services are called __.
  4. 11. When we make a decision from two choices, the choice lost is known as ___.
  5. 12. The ___ the supply the lower the price.
  6. 13. In a __ economy, there is a blend of private and public ownership.
  7. 14. A __ economy is centrally planned, has no consumer choice, and government ownership of resources.
  1. 2. Free markets have ___ ownership of property and resources.
  2. 3. In a traditional economy, decisions are based on custom and ___ precedent.
  3. 5. The ___ the supply the higher the price.
  4. 6. In the US government the ___ determine what is produced through their purchases.
  5. 7. In a free market economy, business owners get to keep their __.
  6. 8. The US has __ which results in higher quality goods at lower prices for the consumer.
  7. 10. The __ of good and services is called consumption.
  8. 11. In mixed and free market economies, businesses ___ the property and resources.