Basic Embryology

  1. 5. another term for specialization
  2. 6. aka Down Syndrome or ___ 21
  3. 8. earliest indication of tissue development
  4. 11. genotype is male but phenotype is female in ___ syndrome
  5. 13. agent that adversely affects development
  6. 16. an abnormal cell with 69 chromosomes is ___
  7. 18. 38 pairs of ___ form muscles of trunk
  8. 23. fertilized egg or ___
  9. 24. layer gives rise to respiratory & digestive systems
  10. 27. first period of prenatal development
  11. 28. study of prenatal development
  12. 29. mitosis in zygote or ___
  13. 30. mesoderm forms during ___ week
  14. 32. development of tissue shape
  15. 34. ball of cells that form due to cleavage
  16. 35. Trisomy 13 or ___syndrome
  1. 1. process by which blastocyst enters endometrium
  2. 2. last physiologic process of embryonic period
  3. 3. ___ streak begins in 3rd week of PD
  4. 4. first physiologic process of embryonic period
  5. 7. migration of epiblast cells form ___
  6. 9. shuffling of chromosomes occurs in ___
  7. 10. this layer gives rise to connective tissue
  8. 12. somatic cells with normal complement of chromosomes
  9. 14. upper layer of bilaminar disk
  10. 15. any cell with 1/2 the normal complement of chromosomes
  11. 17. develops from neural crest cells
  12. 19. lower layer of bilaminar disk
  13. 20. second period of prenatal development
  14. 21. Monosomy X aka ___ syndrome
  15. 22. this layer gives rise to epidermis and structures you can see
  16. 24. Trisomy 18 or ___ syndrome
  17. 25. initial nutrition for embryo disk is ___ sac
  18. 26. fluid formation in morula forms a ___
  19. 31. third period of prenatal development
  20. 32. small sized teeth
  21. 33. ___ membrane becomes primitive mouth