Basic Farming Practices Crops

  1. 2. Root System, root system which consists of one dominant root forming the center from which secondary roots sprout
  2. 5. material which is applied to soil or plants to supply essential nutrients for growth
  3. 7. point in the growth cycle when seed development is complete
  4. 8. structure which support the leaves, flowers and seeds, transports water and other materials as well as stores food
  5. 12. Root System, root system which consists of many small branching roots
  6. 14. process in which plants convert light energy into chemical energy which can be utilized to fulfill its energy requirements
  7. 15. placement of seeds to begin the process of crop growth
  8. 17. gathering of a crop from the field once the crop has ripened or has reached ideal levels of moisture
  1. 1. plants which complete their life cycle in two years
  2. 3. plants which live for more than two years
  3. 4. plants which complete their life cycle within one year
  4. 5. Market, auction market in which commodity and future contracts are bought and sold for delivery on a specified future date
  5. 6. application of water to crops during periods which natural rainfall does not meet requirement for plant growth
  6. 9. practice of working the soil to provide a good environment for seed placement, germination and crop growth
  7. 10. process occurring when the seed is metabolically activated and sprouting takes place
  8. 11. structures which anchor the plant and take in water and minerals as well as store energy
  9. 13. Market, small sectors of the market which satisfy specific demands
  10. 16. plants cultivated on a farm