Basic Math Symbol Representations

  1. 4. Used to denote multiplication
  2. 5. A sign that shows a number is lesser than than another number
  3. 8. A sign that shows a number is bigger than another number
  4. 10. An exponent (²)
  5. 12. Used between two numbers to indicate division
  6. 15. Both minus and plus operations
  7. 16. A decimal point
  8. 17. Calculate expression inside first (())
  9. 19. A unit measure of solution in billions
  10. 21. The number multiplied three times by itself
  11. 22. Use to multiply by itself (√a•√a=a)
  12. 24. The common mathematical symbol in multiplication
  13. 25. Both plus and minus operations
  14. 27. Approximately Equal
  15. 29. A unit measure of solution in millions
  1. 1. Also called "per thousands"
  2. 2. Calculate expression inside first ([])
  3. 3. The number multiplied four times by itself
  4. 6. Inequality
  5. 7. A unit measure that is equivalent to about thirty seconds out of every million years
  6. 9. Plus Sign
  7. 11. A remainder calculation
  8. 13. Minus Sign
  9. 14. A multiplication symbol that commonly used in algebra
  10. 18. Equal Sign
  11. 20. An exponent (^)
  12. 23. Division
  13. 26. A line or slash seperating two numbers, one below the other
  14. 28. Also called "per hundreds"