Basic Math Symbols

  1. 1. represented by the symbol "[ ]"
  2. 8. inequality / "≠"
  3. 9. approximation / "≈"
  4. 11. subtraction / "-"
  5. 12. represented by the symbol "()"
  6. 17. represented by the symbol "<"
  7. 19. division / fraction / "—"
  8. 20. multiplication / "x"
  1. 2. represented by the symbol "∛a"
  2. 3. represented by the symbol "√a"
  3. 4. remainder calculation / "mod"
  4. 5. division / "/"
  5. 6. represented by the symbol "%"
  6. 7. represented by the symbol ">"
  7. 10. multiplication / "*"
  8. 13. equality / "="
  9. 14. division / "÷"
  10. 15. represented by the symbol "∜a"
  11. 16. addition / "+"
  12. 18. exponent / "a^b"