Basic Music Terminology

  1. 2. less
  2. 4. indicates a lowered pitch
  3. 5. 60-66 beats per minute
  4. 6. two or more pitches played, or sung at the same time
  5. 8. the tone, or musical sound starts with a "t" sound
  6. 9. the variation of volume/loudness in music, and the symbols that indicated volume
  7. 11. the tone is connected as smoothly as possible with the tone before it
  8. 12. medium loud
  9. 14. 108-120 beats per minute
  10. 17. 200-208 beats per minute
  11. 18. organized sound or silence that is intended to elicit an emotional response in the listener
  12. 19. 120-168 beats per minute
  13. 21. the five parallel line used to notate music
  14. 22. MM=## indicating the speed of the beat in (beats per minute)
  15. 26. continue in a similar manner
  16. 27. a sudden strong tone
  17. 29. a style of playing musical tones connected and smoothly
  18. 30. volume emphasis on tone the happen between beats
  19. 34. indicates a raised pitch
  20. 36. the process of dividing the time of individual beats into smaller/shorter lengths of time
  21. 37. without
  22. 38. 168-200 beats per minute
  23. 39. two different pitches that sound unpleasant when played together
  24. 40. loud
  25. 41. the speed of the beat
  26. 43. 66-76 beats per minute
  27. 44. the symbol on a staff that indicates what the letter names will be for the lines and spaces of the staff
  1. 1. 76-108 beats per minute
  2. 2. the pattern of strong and weak beats in a piece of music (usually grouped into 2s, 3, or 4)
  3. 3. the regular evenly spaced pulse that is the basis for rhythm
  4. 4. very loud
  5. 7. medium soft
  6. 10. the gradual decrease in volume in music for expressive effect
  7. 13. more
  8. 15. the system used by musicians to measure the length of tones
  9. 16. the process of slowing down of a tempo (ritardando seems to be a deliberate slowing or being late)
  10. 20. 40-60 beats per minute
  11. 23. the process of slowing down of a tempo (rallentando seems to be more of a letting go or dying away)
  12. 24. a style of playing music tones in a "bell-like" or boing manner
  13. 25. signature the pattern of sharps and flats indicated on the staff at the beginning of a line of music
  14. 27. always
  15. 28. little
  16. 30. a style of playing musical tones with space between them
  17. 31. the gradual increase in volume in music for expressive effect
  18. 32. soft
  19. 33. very soft
  20. 35. two different pitches that sound pleasant when played together
  21. 36. a portion of music to be performed by one person
  22. 38. the relative highness or lowness of musical tones (determined by the number of vibrations per second)
  23. 42. very