basic PT Vocab

  1. 2. a negatively charged ion
  2. 5. an arrangement of the elements in which atomic number increases from left to right and elements with similar properties fall in columns called families or groups
  3. 6. the group 2A elements, which are fairly reactive metals
  4. 9. elements that have similar outer electron configurations and therefore similar properties
  5. 10. elements that tend to lose electrons in chemical reactions; found on the left side and in the center of the periodic table
  6. 12. elements that tend to gain electrons in chemical reactions; found at the upper right side of the periodic table
  7. 15. the elements in the middle of the periodic table whose properties tend to be less predictable based simply on their position in the periodic table
  8. 16. groups 1A thru 8A on the periodic table
  9. 18. describes a substance that emits tiny, invisible, energetic particles from the nuclei of its component atoms
  10. 21. the percentage amount of each isotope of an element in a naturally occurring sample of the element
  11. 23. the group 1A elements, which are highly reactive metals
  12. 24. a law that states that when the elements are arranged in order of increasing relative mass, certain sets of properties recur periodically
  1. 1. one of two or more atoms with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons
  2. 3. those elements that fall along the boundary between the metal and the nonmetal in the periodic table
  3. 4. a compound or element exhibiting intermediate electrical conductivity that can be changed and controlled
  4. 7. the group 7A or 17 elements, which are very reactive nonmetals
  5. 8. the elements in columns designated with B or in columns 3-12 of the periodic table
  6. 11. an atom or group of atoms that has gained or lost one or more electrons, so that it has an electric charge
  7. 13. a positively charged ion
  8. 14. a group of elements that have similar properties
  9. 17. the group 8A or 18 elements, which are chemically unreactive
  10. 19. the energetic particles emitted from the nucleus of an atom when it is undergoing a nuclear process
  11. 20. a weighted average of the masses of each naturally occurring isotope of an element
  12. 22. the sum of the number of neutrons and protons in an atom