Basic Structure of a Cell

  1. 1. he used a microscope to examine a thin slice of cork
  2. 3. “Powerhouse” of the cell
  3. 6. German botanist named Matthias ______ concluded that all plants were made of cells
  4. 14. forest, prairie
  5. 15. Contain digestive enzymes
  6. 16. hereditary material of the cell
  7. 18. Found only in producers (organisms containing chlorophyll)
  8. 19. Jelly-like substance enclosed by cell membrane
  9. 20. one species in an area
  10. 21. Perform various functions for a cell
  11. 22. Cells come from the reproduction of _____ cells
  12. 24. Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in an ____
  1. 2. Network of hollow membrane tubules
  2. 4. Controls the normal activities of the cell
  3. 5. Lies immediately against the cell wall in plant cells
  4. 7. Cells that HAVE a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles
  5. 8. Cells, the basic units of organisms, can only be observed under a ___
  6. 9. Cells that lack a nucleus or membrane-bound organelles
  7. 10. several populations in an area
  8. 11. Supports and protects cell
  9. 12. cells working together
  10. 13. All living things are made of ___
  11. 17. In plants, they store Cell Sap
  12. 18. makes up ALL organisms
  13. 21. heart, brain, stomach
  14. 23. Tundra, Tropical Rain forest