Basics of Chemistry

  1. 3. Liquids that are not capable of being mixed into stable solutions are considered.
  2. 4. A substance that cannot be broken down in simpler substances without loss of identity.
  3. 5. A molecule that carries an electric charge.
  4. 8. Vapor is a ___________ that has evaporated into a gas-like state.
  5. 9. The chemical reaction that combines a substance with oxygen to produce oxide is ______________.
  6. 10. A stable physical mixture of two or more substances.
  7. 12. Inorganic chemistry is the study of substance that do not contain the element carbon, but my contain this element.
  8. 14. A substance that has a pH balance below 7.0 is considered to be this.
  9. 15. A substance dissolved into a solution.
  10. 16. Volatile organic compounds contain __________ and evaporate easily.
  1. 1. Solutions that contain undissolved particles that are visible to the naked eye are known as this.
  2. 2. Chemically joining two or more atoms in definite proportions forms this.
  3. 6. An oxidizing agent is a substance that releases _____________
  4. 7. The tail of a surfactant molecule is oil-loving or ___________.
  5. 11. This type of product has no pH.
  6. 13. A mixture of two or more immiscible substances united with the aid of a binder.
  7. 14. Elemental molecules contain two or more _____________ of the same element in definite proportions.