Basics Of Electricity- Corbin Dennison

  1. 2. any of a class of devices that convert chemical energy directly into electrical energy
  2. 6. one in which every component is arranged in a series connection
  3. 9. the “pressure” that pushes electricity
  4. 10. the ability to move heat or electricity from one place to another
  5. 11. the flow of electrical power or charge
  6. 12. a device, which converts chemical energy into electrical energy
  7. 13. Unit of electric current
  8. 14. the act of fighting against something that is attacking you, or refusing to accept something
  9. 16. A material or an object that does not easily allow heat, electricity, light, or sound to pass through it.
  10. 17. measurement of resistance between two points of a conductor when a constant potential difference of one volt (V) is applied to those points and a current of one ampere (A) is produced.
  11. 18. an electrical component that breaks or closes an electric circuit
  1. 1. the resistance of a wire of that substance with unit length and unit area of cross-section
  2. 3. the pressure from an electrical circuit's power source that pushes charged electrons (current) through a conducting loop, enabling them to do work such as illuminating a light
  3. 4. an electrical safety device having a metal wire or strip that melts and interrupts the circuit when the current becomes too strong.
  4. 5. a graphical representation of an electrical circuit.
  5. 7. the materials or substances which allow electricity to flow through them
  6. 8. an electrical path that branches so that the current divides and only part of it flows through any branch
  7. 12. a complete circular path that electricity flows through
  8. 15. the rate at which electrons flow past a point in a complete electrical circuit.
  9. 17. the voltage across a conductor is directly proportional to the current flowing through it, provided all physical conditions and temperature, remain constant.