Basics of Geography

  1. 4. The study of the earth and its features and how those features affect human society.
  2. 6. Maps that are designed to show a variety other items such as climate zones, historical events, population distribution and types of vegetation.
  3. 9. Coloring system designed to show elevations above sea level.
  4. 10. The distance north or south from the equator, expressed in degrees and minutes.
  5. 12. The section of a map that shows what all the colors and symbols found on the map represent.
  6. 14. The distance east or west of the prime meridian, expressed in degrees and minutes.
  7. 15. On a map, this is a proportion used in determining the relationship to that which it represents.
  8. 17. Climates wherein the weather will often change with the seasons.
  9. 18. The naturally formed physical features of the earth such as mountain ranges, rivers, and valleys.
  10. 19. A map designed to show the elevation changes found within a region using colors.
  11. 20. Lines on a map that separate different places, such as countries, states or territories.
  1. 1. The long term weather patterns of a region.These are predictable and consistent over time.
  2. 2. The natural characteristics of the earth land forms and climate.
  3. 3. A series or chain of mountains connected.
  4. 5. A feature on a map that shows direction, typically the cardinal directions of north, south, east, and west.
  5. 7. A river, creek or stream that flows into a larger river.
  6. 8. Any place where the ocean or sea meets the land.
  7. 11. The natural flowing of cool and warm waters around the world's oceans. Currents have a strong effect on climates of lands they run against.
  8. 13. A map designed to show human created features such as national or state borders, cities, and capitals.
  9. 16. Climates areas often located near the equator which often see consistently warm temperature throughout the year.