  1. 3. - The playing area for basketball.
  2. 7. - A high jump shot where the ball is thrust down through the hoop.
  3. 8. - The act of moving the ball to a teammate.
  4. 9. - The act of attempting to score points by throwing the ball through the hoop.
  5. 10. - The act of deflecting an opponent's shot attempt.
  6. 12. - A shot made from beyond the three-point line.
  7. 13. - The act of preventing the opposing team from scoring.
  8. 15. - A close-range shot taken while moving towards the basket.
  9. 17. - The act of retrieving the ball after a missed field goal or free throw.
  10. 18. - The act of bouncing the ball continuously with one hand while moving.
  1. 1. - The board behind the basket that helps in scoring by providing a surface to bank shots off of.
  2. 2. Shot - A shot taken while jumping.
  3. 4. - A break in play called by a team to discuss strategy.
  4. 5. - A pass to a teammate that directly leads to a score.
  5. 6. - The act of attempting to score points.
  6. 8. - The act of turning on one foot while keeping the other foot stationary.
  7. 10. - The boundary line at each end of the court.
  8. 11. - The act of legally taking the ball away from an opponent.
  9. 14. Throw - An unopposed attempt to score from the free-throw line.
  10. 16. - A breach of the rules, usually involving physical contact.