
  1. 1. where they play in the stadium
  2. 3. teaches and directs the team
  3. 7. this sport
  4. 9. point guard, center, small forward
  5. 11. women's national basketball association
  6. 12. starts with the ball in game
  7. 14. when a player jumps and scores
  8. 16. some people who root for the team and dance they have pompoms
  9. 20. you play to win or lose
  10. 21. someone wearing a costume
  11. 22. national basketball association
  12. 23. group that works together to win
  13. 24. switch hands while dribbling
  1. 2. world fameous player who makes popular shoes and has jersey number 23
  2. 4. something against the rules
  3. 5. college basketball near us
  4. 6. basketball is a great __________
  5. 8. where you shoot and score
  6. 9. stand in it for only 3 seconds
  7. 10. when the ball doesn't touch the rim
  8. 13. when the ball doesn't touch the hoop
  9. 15. bouncing the ball at pocket level
  10. 17. you throw it
  11. 18. don't make a shot? try again
  12. 19. holds the fans who want to watch the game, has food and drinks and gifts to buy
  13. 23. shoot from afar